Rotary Lunch Program – Offsite @ J Bar J

On Tuesday, July 18, our lunch meeting will be offsite, at J Bar J, where one of the students from the Vocational Program will talk about his experience at J Bar J and what he is doing in Vocational training.


The Greater Bend Rotary was a major donor to the J Bar J Vocational Training Program. The Vocational Training Program, now in year 3, was designed to expose the youth in residence to vocations and provide hands-on training in order for them to find meaningful vocations and employment once they graduate from the program.

The youth at J Bar J are in residence between 12-15 months. The boys arrive at J Bar J, on average, 3.9 years below their grade level. Bringing each boy as close as possible to their grade level before they leave the J Bar J program is a priority and nearly all students earn a GED or High School Diploma before graduating from the program. During this time, they are exposed to new possibilities, helped to change critical thinking errors and they develop the hope they need to change their future. This is accomplished through cognitive behavioral therapy (learning how to change the thinking errors that motivated the behaviors that brought them here) education, counseling, and exposure to new experiences and vocational training. We want them to think forward to a positive future!

Through the Vocational Training Program, they are given exposure to vocations, professionals and training in the construction trades on campus. Research proves recidivism is reduced when youth have employment. The future success of these kids depends on their ability to secure living wage jobs and the motivation to do so begins here at J Bar J with exposure to vocations and training.

Signup for lunch here.

This meeting will be both on-site at J Bar J Boys Ranch, 62895 Hamby Rd, Bend, OR 97701, and virtual.

Join the Zoom Meeting here: RCGB Zoom Link

You can also call in to the meeting at (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 692 491 9146. If you’re asked, the passcode is 5110.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

Ten Friends 5K Color Run

The Ten Friends 5K Color Run is a fun, non-competitive event (participants can choose to run or walk) with several stations along the 3.1 mile course where people, if they choose, can have non-toxic, colored dye thrown on them.

This event is sponsored by the Summit High School Interact Club as a fundraiser for Ten Friends, a wonderful nonprofit based in Sisters which supports innovative education and children projects in Nepal (so the colored dye was a natural fit given the Hindu festivities of Holi!)

World Immunization Week is April 24-30th 2023

Next week is World Immunization Week.

This is important to Rotarians because Global Polio Eradication is our number one priority, and the key to wiping out polio is to immunize all children against polio.

Rotary’s work on polio eradication is proof that vaccines save lives. 3 billion children have been vaccinated against polio and the cases of polio have been reduced by 99.9% since 1988. But we know the job is not done until every child is vaccinated, and polio is stopped for good. Help us share the message that #VaccinesWork.

Every donation helps us obtain the support, transport, and materials needed in the fight against polio. Right now, all donations are matched 2:1 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, tripling your impact!

End Polio now!