Interest Form for becoming a member

Let us put you at ease. Whether you are new to the area and don’t know much about our club or you are veteran Rotarian who has moved here, by filling out this interest form you are under no obligation to join. We won’t even send you reminders every 5 days! This brief form which goes directly to our Membership chair, and they will contact you to answer any of your questions. You can even get a free lunch if you want to check out our lunch meetings; and you can meet some of our members.

Have you checked out our “Becoming a Member” page including the financial obligation section?
It contains the answers to some of your questions.

Rotary Interest Form

Interest in learning more about our Rotary Club 

Our club meets for lunch the first 3 Tuesdays of the month at noon. The last Tuesday is a "Happy Hour" at a location announced about a week before. You are welcome to attend any of these. See our calendar