Rotary Student Recognition Lunch

Bend LaPine school district logo   On Tuesday, May 17 2022, please join us for what promises to be one of the most fun and inspiring programs of the year! The Rotary Student Recognition Lunch (typically held twice a year pre-COVID) honors seven outstanding students who have been selected by their high school as best exemplifying the Rotary ideal of “service above self.” So often the news we hear everyday is down on teenagers – come learn about and hear from youth who are making a difference now and committed to making this a better world in the future!

Signup for lunch here.

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This meeting will both in-person at the Riverhouse (restaurant side), and virtual.

Join the Zoom Meeting here: RCGB Zoom Link

You can also call in to the meeting at (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 692 491 9146. If you’re asked, the passcode is 5110.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

Rotary Lunch Program: Boys and Girls Club

Bess Goggins, CEO of Boys and Girls Club of Bend   On Tuesday, April 12 2022, our lunch meeting will be at the Boys and Girls Club of Bend, hosted by our Rotary club member Bess Goggins.

Boys & Girls Clubs are a safe place to learn and grow – all while having fun. ​They are a place where great futures are started each and every day. ​At the two locations in Bend, they offer life-changing programs to youth between the ages of 5 to 18 years old. Thei programs focus on academic success, healthy lifestyles, character development and leadership involvement in our community in Central Oregon.

Beth and her colleague Alice Ivie will be giving a tour of the facilities. Park on the street, or at the historical museum on Idaho.

VERY IMPORTANT: Signup for lunch here so we know how many box lunches to order from the caterer.

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This meeting will both in-person at the Boys and Girls club offices at 500 NW Wall Street, and virtual.

Join the Zoom Meeting here: RCGB Zoom Link

You can also call in to the meeting at (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 692 491 9146. If you’re asked, the passcode is 5110.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

J.D. Davis Memorial Wine Raffle Winners

Grand prize of 100 bottles of fine wine

Winner: Mark Capell

2nd Prize Winners

Each receives a case of fine wine, donated by our members and their businesses. Winners were:

  • Fiona Hellwarth
  • Rusty Ertle
  • Cory Allen
  • Cindi Denbrook
  • Steven Hendley
  • Brad Bailey
  • Kit Carmiencke
  • Polly Cohen

Thanks to all our club members who donated bottles of wine for the grand prize, and to the following who donated cases for the 2nd prizes:

Rotary Happy Hour in 2 Weeks at Cascade Lakes Brewpub

Cascade Lakes Brewpub   Join us Tuesday, November 30th from 4:30 to 6:30PM for an in-person Happy Hour at Cascade Lakes Brewpub with your fellow Greater Bend Rotarians!

Note that there will be no meeting the week of Thanksgiving–enjoy your time with your family!

We’ll be upstairs–we have the huge loft area reserved for us. Bring your spouse, significant other, or a friend interested in Rotary.

Address: 1441 SW Chandler Ave. Bend OR 97702

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ShelterBox Hero Award for Greater Bend Rotary

ShelterBox award
We received this certificate and a letter from ShelterBox for our recent support of their aid programs:

Hi Gary,

Congratulations and a big THANK YOU! Your ShelterBox HERO Club certificates are attached.

Please know that this thank you comes not only from me and from ShelterBox USA, but from the families who have received shelter and essential household equipment during their worst imaginable days. Your donation has brought hope and dignity as they begin to repair their lives.

I apologize that we can’t deliver this in person but am looking forward to the time when we can meet face-to-face again.

Yours in service,

Peggy Carlaw

ShelterBox District Coordinator