Tree of Joy Results – 2017

Thanks to everyone who supported the Tree of Joy this past Christmas season. With your help, nearly 700 children received presents, plus an additional $2,100 in donations was collected. A special thanks to The Old Mill District and Hilton Garden Inn for the use of your facilities!

The Tree of Joy is a special project of the Salvation Army of Bend and the four Rotary Clubs of Bend, plus our three partner credit unions: Selco Credit Union, Mid-Oregon Credit Union, and OnPoint Credit Union.

Established to ensure that every child will experience the joy of Christmas by receiving gifts, the Tree of Joy has been in operation every year since 1984!

The Salvation Army screens and qualifies those who are eligible for participation, and a tag is then put on the Tree of Joy. Rotarians and other citizens of Bend then take the tag and purchase the desired gift or toy and bring it back to the Tree of Joy or one of the participating credit unions.

Bonus Happy Hour: Deschutes Downtown – Private Taproom

Hope to see you all at the post-Christmas Rotary Happy Hour, 4:30 to 6:30PM, Wednesday December 27th!

We’ll be at the Deschutes Brewery Public House downtown, and the club is buying the first two drinks per member.

Join us from 4:30 to 6:30PM at the Deschutes Brewery Public House, 1044 NW Bond Street, Bend, OR 97703.
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12/27/2017 4:30 PM
12/27/2017 6:30 PM
Rotary Club of Greater Bend Happy Hour
On Wednesday, December 27th, 2017, we’ll be having our Happy Hour at the Deschutes Brewery Public House downtown.
1044 NW Bond Street, Bend, OR 97703
Rotary Club of Greater Bend

Rotary Holiday Party

On Tuesday, Dec. 19th 2017, we will be at The Riverhouse Convention Center for our annual Holiday Party. Santa will be there, and there will also be a choir performing.

$19 for guests, $13 for kids aged 6-12 years, and 5 and under are free.

Be sure to RSVP with Kirk Sandburg at

Join us from noon till 1:15 at the Riverhouse convention center, 2850 NW Rippling River Ct, Bend, OR 97701 (corner of Mount Washington Drive and Highway 97).
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12/19/2017 12:00 PM
12/19/2017 1:15 PM
Rotary Club of Greater Bend Lunch
On Tuesday, Dec. 19th 2017, we will be having our annual Holiday Party.
The Riverhouse Convention Center, 2850 NW Rippling River Ct, Bend, Or 97701
Rotary Club of Greater Bend

Cort’s Ride to End Polio Report

Cort says: “I made it! I did not set any speed records, but I rode 54 miles, including 1,729 feet of elevation gain. I participated in Rotary’s Ride to end Polio to raise funds for vaccinating children. As most of you know this is very personal for me because I am a Polio survivor. My right leg is paralyzed below the knee. So far I have raised over $3,300, which will be matched 2 to 1 by the Gates Foundation turning your donations into over $10,000. Thanks for your support.”

Cort’s wife Tonya, plus Carol and Jeff Kozimor supported Cort in Tucson and joined him on the ride.

Donations are still being accepted at Ride to End Polio.

Cort with Rotary International General Secretary John Hewko.

Ride to End Polio

Our friend and fellow Greater Bend Rotarian, Cort Vaughn, will be riding a metric century (100 kilometers/62 miles) in the Ride to End Polio fundraiser.

Cort says:

Rotary and its partners have reduced Polio by 99%. With your help, we will wipe out Polio forever.
Please visit my Rotary Ride to End Polio page to support my efforts. Enter the amount that you want to donate, then click Contribute Now. You will be directed to PayPal where you can pay by credit card.

Donations are tax deductible. Rotarians can also receive Paul Harris credit.

I am a Polio survivor. Polio paralyzed my right leg at the age of 2. I endured years of physical therapy and multiple surgeries. Now I walk with a brace. I want to help create a Polio free world where no child will ever again suffer from Polio and parents will no longer live in fear.

I volunteer with Rotary as the Zone 25 End Polio Now Coordinator representing N. California, N. Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.

Rotarians – to get Paul Harris credit, please follow the link to my Ride to End Polio page, then click the button at the top to log into your My Rotary account. Unfortunately you will be directed away from my fundraising page, so you will need to come back to this email and click on my link again. Members of Greater Bend Rotary can also give Greg a check payable to the Rotary Club of Greater Bend with Ride to End Polio in the memo.

Thanks for your support,

Cort Vaughan

Zone 25 End Polio Now Coordinator (17/18)

District 5110 PolioPlus – Chair (2014 – 2017)

Rotary Club of Greater Bend