Bend-Belluno Sister City Celebration

  On Tuesday, August 14th 2018, all of our club members plus family are again invited to our Bend-Belluno sister city celebration. Our club has been highly involved in this sister city relationship from the start to now with our continued sponsorship of the summer student exchange through Rotary’s Short Term Exchange Program. This is a Rotary/community event.
Join us at 4:30PM when Greg’s Grill will open a special outdoor bar for Rotarians next to Bend-Belluno Sister City Plaque. Short program starts at 5:30 – free Italian food afterwards. 395 SW Powerhouse Dr, Bend, OR 97702
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8/14/2018 4:30 PM
8/14/2018 6:00 PM
Bend-Belluno Sister City Celebration
Tuesday, August 14th 2018, all of our club members plus family are again invited to our Bend-Belluno sister city celebration. Our club has been highly involved in this sister city relationship from the start to now with our continued sponsorship of the summer student exchange through Rotary’s Short Term Exchange Program.
395 SW Powerhouse Dr, Bend, OR 97702
Rotary Club of Greater Bend

Passing the Gavel

  On Tuesday, June 19th 2018, Club President Elect Mike Sipe will take office. He will present his vision for the Club during his term. Club will also recognize Carolyn Jarschke’s service as President.
Join us from noon till 1:15 at the Riverhouse (the restaurant side, NOT the Convention Center), 3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703.
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6/19/2018 12:00 PM
6/19/2018 1:15 PM
Rotary Club of Greater Bend Lunch
On Tuesday, June 19th 2018, Club President Elect Mike Sipe will take office. He will present his vision for the Club during his term. Club will also recognize Carolyn Jarschke’s service as President.
3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703
Rotary Club of Greater Bend

The Invention Convention

  On Tuesday, May 15th 2018, our lunch program is our annual Invention Convention.

Every year, Rotary Club of Greater Bend hosts the “Invention Convention” where students from Miller Elementary School are encouraged to think up (and present to the club and their family members) their inventions to “save the world” or just make life a little easier for all of us. It’s absolutely amazing what ideas these young entrepreneurs come up with and this event always leaves us feeling more positive about the future!

Club members help with judging which takes a good half day since virtually every student at the school takes part in this fun event!

Join us from noon till 1:15 at the Riverhouse Convention Center, 2850 NW Rippling River Ct, Bend, OR 97703.
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5/15/2018 12:00 PM
5/15/2018 1:15 PM
Rotary Club of Greater Bend Lunch
On Tuesday, May 8th 2018, our lunch program is our annual Invention Convention.
2850 NW Rippling River Ct, Bend, OR 97703
Rotary Club of Greater Bend

Student Recognition Event

On Tuesday, Nov. 28th 2017, we will be at in the Cascade EFG room at The Riverhouse Convention Center for our Student Recognition event. The Rotary Student Recognition luncheon is a special opportunity to recognize five outstanding students, one from each of the five Bend-La Pine high schools – Bend, Marshall, Mountain View, La Pine and Summit. Recipients have been selected by their school principal based on their alignment with the Rotary motto of “Service above Self.” Students will give a brief presentation on their “past” (what people, places and activities helped to positively shape them?), their “present” (what are the classes and activities that are most motivating to them now?) and their “future aspirations” (college and career crystal-ball gazing). They will each receive a $250 check.

Join us from noon till 1:15 at the Riverhouse convention center, 2850 NW Rippling River Ct, Bend, Or 97701 (corner of Mount Washington Drive and Highway 97).
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11/28/2017 12:00 PM
11/28/2017 1:15 PM
Rotary Club of Greater Bend Lunch
On Tuesday, Nov. 28th 2017, we will be having our Student Recognition event.
Cascade EFG, The Riverhouse Convention Center, 2850 NW Rippling River Ct, Bend, Or 97701
Rotary Club of Greater Bend

District 5110 Youth Exchange Weekend

To our wonderful hosts,

District 5110 Youth Exchange wants to thank all of you for hosting this last weekend. I think the attached photo says it all. They had a “blast” – gusts of over 100 mph on the mountain Saturday. The students were wonderfully flexible and not once did we hear a complaint.

Thanks to you, the weekend was a huge success and we’ve decided to make this an annual trip for our inbound students. Feel free to share this photo with your club – it’s all over Facebook!

Curt Rymer
District 5110 ARO

Rotary Club of Bend’s Daddy Daughter Dance

The Rotary Club of Bend (one of our sister clubs here in Bend) is hosting its 2nd annual Daddy Daughter Dance on Saturday February 10th, 2018 from 6-9pm at Mountain View High School. This is a special time for dads (or male role models) and daughters to get all dressed up for an opportunity to create lasting memories together. Come to Princess Land and enjoy dancing, games, make your own crafts, photo booths and more! Plenty of laughs and fun to go around. Even Grandfathers with their granddaughters are encouraged to attend.

Event proceeds will go toward the Rotary Club of Bend’s $75,000 donation to the Bethlehem Inn kitchen expansion project.
Event sponsors are Smolich Motors, First Interstate Bank, MidOregon Credit Union, Skyline Dental, Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, Zivney Financial Group, Carlson Sign and Niblick & Green’s Restaurant.

Advance Ticket Purchase Required–get your tickets here.


  • Sat, Feb. 10, 2018 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.
  • Girls Kindergarten – 6th grade
  • $20 per person
  • Mountain View High School – West Gym, 2755 NE 27th St., Bend, OR 97701