Lunch Program: Jim Hutchison, Senior Associate VP for the Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact

  On Tuesday, January 28 2020, our speaker will be Jim Hutchison, Senior Associate VP for the Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact.

The Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact is a $1 billion initiative to fast-track scientific discoveries into innovations that improve the quality of life for people in Oregon, the nation, and the world. The campus creates the intellectual infrastructure to establish Oregon as a center for both research and development, making Oregon a place where companies can start-up, grow, and stay. Jim Hutchison oversees all research and academic matters at the Knight Campus and will give our club a closer look at this exciting new venture in Oregon.

Join us from noon till 1:15 at the Riverhouse (the restaurant side, NOT the Convention Center), 3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703.
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1/28/2020 12:00 PM
1/28/2020 1:15 PM
Rotary Club of Greater Bend Lunch
Our speaker will be Jim Hutchison, Senior Associate VP for the Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact.

3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703
Rotary Club of Greater Bend

Lunch Program: Damon Runberg, State of Oregon Regional Economist

  On Tuesday, January 21 2020, our speaker will be Damon Runberg, State of Oregon Regional Economist.

Damon is a state economist with the Oregon Employment Department covering Central Oregon and the Klamath Basin. He calculates the monthly employment and unemployment estimates for the area’s counties; additionally Damon tracks various economic indicators critical to the region’s economy. He writes prolifically and regularly gives presentations on the state of the local economy.

Damon, a native Oregonian who has lived in Bend for the past six years, received his Master of Public Policy from Oregon State University (Corvallis) where he specialized in econometric analysis and natural resource economics. Before that he received his undergraduate from Gonzaga University.

When not in the office, Damon can most likely be found fly-fishing on the Deschutes, mountain biking, or competitive bicycle racing with the 10 Barrel Cycling Team.

Join us from noon till 1:15 at the Riverhouse (the restaurant side, NOT the Convention Center), 3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703.
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1/21/2020 12:00 PM
1/21/2020 1:15 PM
Rotary Club of Greater Bend Lunch
Our speaker will be Damon Runberg, State of Oregon Regional Economist.

3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703
Rotary Club of Greater Bend

Lunch Program: Dr. Laurie Chesley, COCC President

  On Tuesday, January 14 2020, COCC’s new President Dr. Laurie Chesley joins our Club to introduce herself and her vision for COCC.

Dr. Laurie Chesley is the sixth president in Central Oregon Community College’s 70-year history. Her tenure began in July of 2019.

Prior to joining COCC, Chesley was provost and executive vice president for academic and student affairs at Grand Rapids Community College in Michigan. Her administrative and leadership experience spans 18 years and includes both two- and four-year colleges. Chesley served as interim dean of learning at Northwestern Michigan, assistant vice president for academic affairs at Ferris State (Michigan) University, dean of humanities at Montgomery County (Pennsylvania) Community College, and associate dean and dean of arts and sciences at Grand Rapids Community College.

A first-generation college graduate, she earned her bachelor’s degree in English from Alma College. She went on to receive her master’s and doctorate degrees (her dissertation examined the portrayal of women in the work of Daniel Defoe) in English at the University of Notre Dame, where she met her late-husband, Brent. Chesley taught English at a variety of higher education institutions for 14 years, including five years of full-time teaching at Northwestern Michigan College.

A recipient of the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development Faculty Excellence Award and a past winner of the Michigan Chapter of the American Council of Education Network’s Distinguished Woman in Higher Education Leadership Award, Chesley is passionate about mentoring the leaders of tomorrow.

Join us from noon till 1:15 at the Riverhouse (the restaurant side, NOT the Convention Center), 3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703.
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1/14/2020 12:00 PM
1/14/2020 1:15 PM
Rotary Club of Greater Bend Lunch
COCC’s new President Dr. Laurie Chesley joins our Club to introduce herself and her vision for COCC.
3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703
Rotary Club of Greater Bend

Lunch Program: New Year’s Toasts

  On Tuesday, January 7 2020, Neil Bryant will be kicking off the New Year with our New Year’s Toast.

You’re invited to offer up a toast of your own, as well.

Join us from noon till 1:15 at the Riverhouse (the restaurant side, NOT the Convention Center), 3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703.
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1/7/2020 12:00 PM
1/7/2020 1:15 PM
Rotary Club of Greater Bend Lunch
Tuesday, January 7 2020, Neil Bryant will be kicking off the New Year with our New Year’s Toast.
3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703
Rotary Club of Greater Bend

Lunch Program: our Youth Exchange Student, Klara Wester

On Tuesday, December 17th 2019, our lunch will be a presentation from our Youth Exchange student from Sweden, Klara Wester.  
Join us from noon till 1:15 at the Riverhouse (the restaurant side, NOT the Convention Center), 3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703.
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12/17/2019 12:00 PM
12/17/2019 1:15 PM
Rotary Club of Greater Bend Lunch
Our lunch speaker will be Youth Exchange student from Sweden, Klara Wester.
3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703
Rotary Club of Greater Bend

Lunch Program: State Representative Cheri Helt

  On Tuesday, December 10th 2019, our lunch speaker will be State Representative Cheri Helt, District 54.

Elected three times to the Bend-La Pine School Board, she has a proven record of pragmatic leadership and delivering results – with rising graduation rates, more technology in classrooms, performance based compensation for teachers, new schools to relieve overcrowding and more environmentally-friendly schools and buses.

Join us from noon till 1:15 at the Riverhouse (the restaurant side, NOT the Convention Center), 3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703.
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12/10/2019 12:00 PM
12/10/2019 1:15 PM
Rotary Club of Greater Bend Lunch
Our lunch speaker will be State Representative Cheri Helt, District 54.
3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703
Rotary Club of Greater Bend

Lunch Program: Student Recognition Awards

On Tuesday, December 3rd 2019, our lunch program is our Student Recognition awards. The Rotary Student Recognition lunch is a unique opportunity to recognize and hear from five outstanding students (one from each of the five Bend-La Pine high schools) who best exemplify Rotary’s motto of “Service above self.” This special lunch is held twice a year and is always a high energy, feel-good program as we get a glimpse at the best and brightest of our future and a peek at the caliber of students going through our local schools.
Join us from noon till 1:15 at the Riverhouse (the restaurant side, NOT the Convention Center), 3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703.
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12/3/2019 12:00 PM
12/3/2019 1:15 PM
Rotary Club of Greater Bend Lunch
Tuesday, December 3rd 2019, our lunch program will our Student Recognition awards.
3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703
Rotary Club of Greater Bend

Lunch Program: Autobiographies – Nov 2019

On Tuesday, November 26th 2019, our lunch program will consist of autobiographies of three of our club members:

Come and learn more about your fellow Rotarians!

Join us from noon till 1:15 at the Riverhouse (the restaurant side, NOT the Convention Center), 3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703.
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11/26/2019 12:00 PM
11/26/2019 1:15 PM
Rotary Club of Greater Bend Lunch
Tuesday, November 26th 2019, our lunch program will be autobiographies of three of our club members. Come and learn more about 3 of your fellow Rotarians!
3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703
Rotary Club of Greater Bend

Rotary Lunch Speaker: Chad Copeland, Photographer

On Tuesday, November 19th 2019, our lunch speaker will be Chad Copeland, an adventure and natural history photographer – a contributor to National Geographic, Outside Magazine, Men’s Journal and numerous other periodicals and has covered stories from the air, land and underwater around the world.

Chad will discuss his background with National Geographic, the BBC and more and talk about how being a global visual storyteller led him to Bend, OR. The primary topic will cover his new TV series “Adventure Calls” and why it was created (i.e. To bring local businesses together in an effort to show what Central Oregon has to offer to both locals and tourists.). The presentation will illustrate how sponsors have collaborated and how the rising tide is floating more boats through the opportunity. The series is being presented by Visit Central Oregon and is being supported throughout the region. At the end, Copeland will address questions and offer like opportunities to be a part of the series.

In 2015 he photographed “People of Action” for Microsoft’s Windows 10 desktops, tablets and mobile devices influencing the brand’s image. After shooting for more than two decades he developed a variety of Unmanned Aircraft Systems so that he could fly a variety of cameras into remote locations. Today he is a leader in the drone community and continues to push the limits of aerial applications. His expertise, leadership and skills as a pilot, decade of military service, commercial air traffic controller experience and lifelong outdoor adventure spirit combine to provide deliverable media from air, land and sea. Chad prepares for all expeditions with rigorous training in anticipation of all challenges. These strengths and strategies have earned him international recognition. In 2015, he studied the art of 360 virtual imaging and is now one of the leading 360VR content deliverers around the world having produced feature content for the 2016 NBC Olympics, Sony and a plethora of global clients.

Join us from noon till 1:15 at the Riverhouse (the restaurant side, NOT the Convention Center), 3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703.
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11/19/2019 12:00 PM
11/19/2019 1:15 PM
Rotary Club of Greater Bend Lunch
Our lunch speaker will be Chad Copeland, an adventure and natural history photographer – a contributor to National Geographic, Outside Magazine, Men’s Journal and numerous other periodicals and has covered stories from the air, land and underwater around the world.
3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703
Rotary Club of Greater Bend

Rotary Lunch Program: Pelton Round Butte Fish Committee Roadmap

  On Tuesday, November 12th 2019, our lunch program will be the Pelton Round Butte Fish Committee Roadmap, presented by Megan Hill from PGE and Jason Grant from the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. The “Fish Committee Roadmap” is the plan for restoring salmon and steelhead runs in the Deschutes River.

Megan Hill is the natural resources manager for Portland General Electric at the Pelton Round Butte
Hydroelectric Project on the Deschutes River, Oregon. Megan has over fifteen years of experience in
fisheries, including employment in academia, a federal agency, and PGE. She has a B.A. in Biology and
Environmental Studies from Knox College, an M.S. in Environmental Science from Washington State
University, and post-graduate fisheries work at the University of Georgia.

Jason Grant attended Oregon State University where he majored in Fisheries and Wildlife Science. He has
worked in the Fisheries field for over 12 years, beginning as a Fisheries Technician with the Forest Service
on the Siuslaw Ranger District, then moving to the Willamette National Forest. Upon the realization that
seasonal work does not support a mortgage payment, he accepted a Fish Habitat Biologist position with
the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla – La Grande Field Office. In this position, Jason furthered his
knowledge of aquatic restoration practices. In early 2011, he accepted a position with the Confederated
Tribes of the Warm Springs. In both positions, he has managed many active and passive stream
restoration projects, as well as coordinated and developed relationships with project partners. When
he’s not working, you might find Jason poorly casting his spey rod while swinging flies for steelhead,
gardening or hiking with his family.

Join us from noon till 1:15 at the Riverhouse (the restaurant side, NOT the Convention Center), 3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703.
Add to Calendar:
11/12/2019 12:00 PM
11/12/2019 1:15 PM
Rotary Club of Greater Bend Lunch
Our lunch speaker will be Hon. Walter R. “Randy” Miller, who will join us for lunch to discuss current issues relating to the Deschutes County Circuit Court.
3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703
Rotary Club of Greater Bend