Rotary Lunch Program: Bill Berg Foundation Update – Oct 2020

On Tuesday, October 20, 2020, Kyle Frick will give us an update on our club’s Bill Berg Foundation.


This meeting will be all-virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here:

You can also call in to the meeting at 1 669 900 9128 and enter meeting ID: 970 0229 5808.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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Rotary Lunch Speaker: Bill Boos, Deputy Chief of Operations at Bend Fire & Rescue

On Tuesday, October 13, 2020, our lunch speaker will be Bill Boos, Deputy Chief of Operations at Bend Fire & Rescue.

Bill began his career as Volunteer Firefighter for the Sunriver Fire Department in 1983. During his time in Sunriver, he attended Linfield College and received a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. In 1995, he received his Paramedic Certification and was hired full time with the Sunriver Fire Department. He made his way up the ranks and achieved the position of Captain/Training Officer with Sunriver.


In 1997, he was hired as a Firefighter with the City of Bend Fire Department. He was quickly promoted to Captain and was elected to the Association President for Local #939. After several years as Captain, he was promoted to Battalion Chief. Recently held the position of Deputy of Chief of Fire Operations. Currently, he is Deputy Chief of Operations, and 2nd Vice President for 2021 for the Oregon Fire Chiefs Association.

This meeting will be all-virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here:

You can also call in to the meeting at 1 669 900 9128 and enter meeting ID: 955 7438 3657.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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Rotary Lunch Program: Election 2020

Neil Bryant   On Tuesday, October 6th 2020, our lunch program will be a discussion of the 2020 election – national, state, and regional – led by our own Neil Bryant.

Neil served as a member of the Oregon State Senate from 1992 to 2000. A member of the Republican Party, Bryant represented Oregon’s 27th Senate district. Since leaving office, Bryant has worked as an attorney and partner at Bryant, Lovlien & Jarvis, PC.

Join us from noon till 1:15 at the Riverhouse Convention Center, 2850 NW Rippling River Ct, Bend, OR 97703. Or, you can attend virtually: or call +1 669 900 9128 and enter Meeting ID: 970 0282 6810

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Rotary Lunch Speaker: Alex Spenser, Oregon Congressional District 2 Seat Candidate

On Tuesday, September 29, 2020, our lunch speaker will be Alex Spenser, Oregon Congressional District 2 seat candidate.

Alex Spenser has lived a life as diverse as Oregon’s Congressional District 2. Brought up in Dallas,Texas – she has lived all across the US, from New York City to Tulelake, California, Hot Springs, Arkansas to Tucson, Arizona and, for the past ten years Alex has made Klamath Falls, Oregon her home.


Alex has authored a book entitled From Chrysalis to Wings, worked as a featured poet on the New York City poetry circuit, and has had articles published in the Dallas Morning News, the Little Rock Free Press and the Klamath Falls Herald and News, among others.

Alex has worked as a writer, a performance coach, and a DJ; producing her own radio show; which has transitioned into a podcast called WordsWithWings-the podcast. Alex has worked as a cook, a legal secretary, a construction worker, a copperwright, and a single mom. Alex homeschooled her daughter to the fifth grade, and last fall saw her off to college at SOU. Alex is a motivational speaker who promotes positive, thoughtful, peace-creating communication. Alex founded and led the Women’s March Klamath Falls for the first three years, and co-founded Klamath Force for Peaceful Action, an Indivisible group that merged to become Klamath Indivisible.

This meeting will be all-virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here:

You can also call in to the meeting at 1 669 900 9128 and enter meeting ID: 988 9462 8780.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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Rotary Lunch Speaker: Cliff Bentz, Oregon Congressional District 2 Seat Candidate

On Tuesday, September 22, 2020, our lunch speaker will be Cliff Bentz, Oregon Congressional District 2 seat candidate.

Cliff is a third generation Oregonian, raised on his family’s cattle ranches in Harney County.


In January of 2008, Cliff Bentz was appointed to the House District 60 seat and later that year was elected to his first of five two year terms as Oregon State Representative. He resigned from the House in 2018 when appointed to take Senator Ferrioli’s Oregon Senate District 30 seat. While in the House, he served on the Revenue, Transportation, Energy and Environment, Legislative Counsel, and joint tax credits committees, and as a member and chair of the Legislative Council on River governance, the Oregon Hunger Task Force, and other committees and work groups. While in the Senate, he served on the Finance and Revenue, Judiciary, Energy, and tax credits committees among others. He resigned from the Oregon Senate effective January 2nd, 2020, to campaign full time for the Oregon Congressional District 2 seat now held by Congressman Greg Walden.

This meeting will be all-virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here:

You can also call in to the meeting at 1 669 900 9128 and enter meeting ID: 928 7371 2650.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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Rotary Lunch Speaker – Tim Duy – Central Oregon Business Index & The Economy

On Tuesday, September 15 2020, our lunch speaker will be Tim Duy, Economics Professor at the University of Oregon. He’ll be speaking on the Central Oregon Business Index and the state of the economy.

He is the Senior Director of the Oregon Economic Forum and the author of the University of Oregon Statewide Economic Indicators, Regional Economic Indicators, and the Central Oregon Business Index. Tim has published in the Journal of Economics and Business and is currently a member of the Oregon Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors and the State Debt Policy Advisory Commission.


Professor Duy received his B.A. in Economics in 1991 from the University of Puget Sound, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Economics in 1998 from the University of Oregon. Following graduate school, Tim worked in Washington, D.C. for the United States Department of Treasury as an economist in the International Affairs division and later with the G7 Group, a political and economic consultancy for clients in the financial industry. In the latter position, he was responsible for monitoring the activities of the Federal Reserve and currency markets. Tim returned to the University of Oregon in 2002. Tim is a prominent commentator on the Federal Reserve. MarketWatch describes his blog as “influential,” the Huffington Post identified him has one of the top 26 economists to follow on Twitter, and he is listed on StreetEye as one of the top 100 people to follow to discover finance news on Twitter. Major national and international news outlets frequently quote him, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, and Bloomberg. He also writes a regular column for Bloomberg Opinion.

This meeting will be all-virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here:

You can also call in to the meeting at 1 669 900 9128 and enter meeting ID: 997 5591 5330.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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Rotary Lunch Program – Erik Tobiason, Central Oregon Veterans Village

On Tuesday, September 1, 2020, our lunch speaker will be our own club member and past president, Erik Tobiason. Erik will be talking to us about the Central Oregon Veterans Village.


The Central Oregon Veterans Village is a community of transitional shelters designed to provide shelter and services for homeless veterans.

The project is a Joint Venture between the Bend Heroes Foundation and Central Oregon Veterans Outreach (COVO). It is being managed as a public-private partnership with the City of Bend, Deschutes County, and the State of Oregon.

The Village is being modeled after a successful program in Clackamas County. Our goal is to have 15 shelters and a central community building. The community building will have kitchen, dining, meeting rooms, restrooms, and showers.

This meeting will be all-virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here:

You can also call in to the meeting at 1 669 900 9128 and enter meeting ID Meeting ID: 937 3852 0118.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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Rotary Lunch Speaker: Dr. Erika McCalpine – OSU Cascades

On Tuesday, August 25, 2020, our lunch speaker will be Dr. Erika McCalpine – Instructor and Program Lead, Business Administration, OSU Cascades. Dr. McCalpine will speak to the Club about her Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Lab at OSU Cascades.

Erika McCalpine is a business instructor and leads the business administration program at Oregon State University – Cascades. She teaches courses in human resources, business ethics, leadership and entrepreneurship.

McCalpine is a recognized advocate for advancing social equity and inclusion within OSU and weaves those themes throughout her teaching and in her work with students. In 2019 she received the OSU Frances Dancy Hooks Award for building bridges across cultures and showing courage in promoting diversity. She received the OSU-Cascades Diversity Award in 2019.

McCalpine has served on the executive committee of the OSU Faculty Senate since 2018, where she represents the interests of academic faculty at OSU-Cascades. McCalpine’s community service includes positions on the boards of directors of Volunteers in Medicine since 2019 and of the City Club of Central Oregon since 2020 She is the co-founder of Love Your Neighbor, a grassroots effort that encourages community members to appreciate and accept fellow residents from diverse backgrounds. She was named the Source Weekly Woman of the Year in 2019.

Prior to joining OSU-Cascades, Erika taught at the University of Alabama, where she was awarded the Morrissette Award for Excellence in Teaching Leadership and Ethics, and the J. Craig Smith Integrity Award. Erika also attended the University of Alabama where she earned degrees in Management and has specialties in Human Resources and Organizational Behavior. She has also earned a certification in Diversity and Inclusion from Cornell University. Erika is a member of the Society of Human Resource Management and the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity.

This meeting will be all-virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here:

You can also call in to the meeting at 1 669 900 9128 and enter meeting ID Meeting ID: 930 1964 5984.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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Rotary Lunch Speaker: Luann Abrams, CEOX

On Tuesday, August 18, 2020, our lunch speaker will be Luann Abrams, who will talk about her startup CEOX. Research shows that the best performing companies have women in leadership roles, yet women make up only 6% of Fortune 500 companies. Gaining experience remains a daunting barrier—numerous studies reveal that companies hire men based on their potential, while they hire women because of their past experience. What ensues is a Catch-22 for women leaders, who need and deserve increasingly significant roles, yet are rarely championed into them.


This meeting will be all-virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here:

You can also call in to the meeting at 1 669 900 9128 and enter meeting ID Meeting ID: 997 5605 5532.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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Rotary Lunch Speaker: Eric Denbrook

On Tuesday, August 11, 2020, our lunch speaker will be Eric Denbrook.

Eric graduated from Arizona State University in 1979 with a BS in Industrial Design from the Mechanical Engineering school. He started his career at Hughes Space and Communications, where in 1982 he was the Vehicle Engineer for the first operational Space Shuttle’s primary satellites.


He was the Vehicle Engineer for the U.S. GOES and Japanese GMS weather satellites and in 1984, spent 4 months on Tanegashima Japan launching GMS. He worked on many other commercial and classified programs and was also responsible for the first Space Shuttle recovery of two satellites.

In 1989, he started working at a small startup company called Orbital Sciences Corporation. He was the Integration and Test lead for Orbital’s first product, the Transfer Orbit Stage for the Space Shuttle. At the end of the program, he was the Chief Engineer as well as Deputy Program Manager and spent two years at Cape Canaveral on the integration test and launch of that program. At the end of that program, he opened an office at Vandenberg Airforce Base to integrate, test, and launch the world’s first commercially developed rocket, called Pegasus. That rocket evolved into several other rockets called Taurus, Minotaur, and Ground Based Missile Defense Boosters. He became the director for those operations and led the team until he retired in 2019.

This meeting will be all-virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here:

You can also call in to the meeting at 1 669 900 9128.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.