Rotary Lunch Speaker – Eric King, Bend City Manager

On Tuesday, January 26, 2021, our lunch speaker will be Eric King, City Manager for Bend.

Eric King began his career in local government working for the City of Portland. In his 10 years there, he worked on a variety of projects and programs focusing on economic development and program management. He began working for the City of Bend as Assistant City Manager in April, 2007 and accepted the position of City Manager in May, 2008.

Eric was born and raised in Madison, Wisconsin. He has a Master’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning and a Graduate Certificate in Real Estate Development from Portland State University. Eric currently services on the KIDS Center Board and has served on the Visit Bend and Oregon City/County Managers’ Association Boards as well as volunteered with SMART- promoting early childhood literacy.

Eric loves Bend for its scenic beauty, the multitude of outdoor activities it offers, and most importantly, he and his wife Martha believe Bend is an ideal place to raise their two children.


This meeting will be all-virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here:

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We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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Rotary Lunch Speaker: Roger Lee, EDCO – Central Oregon Business Update

On Tuesday, January 19, 2021, our lunch speaker will be Roger Lee, CEO at EDCO – Economic Development for Central Oregon.

At EDCO, Roger is responsible for the tri-county area’s economic development strategy, business recruitment, oversight of the organization and its satellite offices, and development of special projects including industrial parks, expansion of commercial air service and creation of new programs to assist the region’s traded-sector employers and improve the overall business climate.

Roger will be giving us an update on the business climate here in Central Oregon and the impacts on it from COVID.


This meeting will be all-virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here:

You can also call in to the meeting at (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 920 3333 6929.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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Rotary Lunch Speaker: Scott Burns – Earthquakes in Oregon – Are we ready for the Big One?

On Tuesday, January 12, 2021, our lunch speaker will be Dr. Scott Burns, Professor Emeritus of Geology and past chair of the Dept. of Geology at Portland State University.

He has been teaching for 48 years, with past positions in Switzerland, New Zealand, Washington, Colorado and Louisiana. Scott specializes in environmental and engineering geology, geomorphology, soils, and Quaternary geology. Scott has won many awards for outstanding teaching with the most significant being the Faculty Senate Chair Award at Louisiana Tech University in 1987, the Distinguished Faculty Award from the Portland State Alumni Association in 2001, and the George Hoffmann Award from PSU in 2007. He has authored over 100 publications and has had over 25 research grants. His first book. Environmental, Groundwater and Engineering Geology: Applications from Oregon, came out January of 1998. His second book, Cataclysms on the Columbia, the Great Missoula Floods came out in October of 2009 and is co-authored by Marjorie Burns, a friend and professor at PSU. He actively helps local TV and radio stations and newspapers bring important geological news to the public, featured on KOIN TV, OPB, KING-5 TV, KATU, and Oregon Wine Press. He was president of the Downtown Rotary Club of Portland, Oregon’s oldest and largest Rotary club in 2009.

Scott has won some national awards in geology: distinguished practice award from the engineering geology division of GSA in 2012, the Richard Jahns Award for engineering geology (top engineering geologist in the U.S.) from GSA and AEG in 2011, the Shoemaker Award for Public Service to the US (GSA) in 2011. and on the state level, the “Outstanding Scientist for Oregon for 2014” from the 73-year-old Oregon Academy of Sciences. Scott is also a Smithsonian Journeys Expert.

  Scott Burns

This meeting will be all-virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here:

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Rotary Lunch Speaker: Michele O’Hara, Executive Director, Opportunity Knocks

On Tuesday, December 15, 2020, our lunch speaker will be Michele O’Hara, Executive Director of Opportunity Knocks.

Michele has always focused on contributing to the local community and has focused her efforts on promoting many worthy community organizations. She currently serves on the executive committee for Redmond Economic Development Inc. (REDI) and as executive director for Opportunity Knocks; a facilitated peer mentorship program for CEO’s and senior leaders. Past board experience includes the board of directors for Portland Fashion Week, the governance committee for Portland Center Stage, board member for Self Enhancement Inc., executive board committee for Oregon Ballet Theatre and a mentor for GLAD (Girls Leadership and Development) through Boys and Girls Aid Society. She was also a co-chair for the Multiple Sclerosis auction, a member of Portland Advertising Federation and a member of the Young Entrepreneurs Organization. Michele founded a non-profit program, BecomeX, providing young women with experiential learning in the areas of self-discovery, career competence and essential skills to lead a healthy and happy life.


Michele’s work is grounded in the creation of connections between brands and the people they serve. Through her passion, vision and leadership, she has earned a reputation as a brand leader and change agent.

With over fifteen years of experience working for national and regional advertising agencies, DJMC and Saatchi & Saatchi, on major accounts, McDonald’s and Toyota, Michele decided to leave the big agency world to open her own creative shop in Portland Or., Nerve Inc.

Since founding Nerve, and subsequently, Luminous Brands, she has continually focused her time and resources toward producing results orientated brand campaigns for businesses and philanthropic organizations such as the Anaheim Angels, Clear Channel Radio Group, Leave No Trace, Mentor Graphics, WebTrends and Oregon Ballet Theatre. She completed a major brand turn-around for NBA team, The Portland Trail Blazers, and led the reorganization for The American Red Cross after 9/11, building back trust for the organization. She then turned her attention to the hospitality world where she served as chief branding officer for Kuleto Restaurants, Resorts and Kuleto Estate Winery in the bay area. With a desire to make Central Oregon her long-term home, Michele joined Zolo Media, providing a complete turnaround for the broadcast television brand that included concepting and creating a news program, Central Oregon Daily News.

Michele’s life mission is to inspire others to become their personal best. She is a public speaker and facilitates training in the area of business and personal branding and provides leadership development to organizations through her brand consultancy business.

This meeting will be all-virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here:

You can also call in to the meeting at (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 970 7570 4522 .

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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Rotary Lunch Program: Paul Harris Awards

On Tuesday, December 8, 2020, our lunch program will be presentation of Paul Harris awards, by President Shannon.

The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation.

Rotary established the recognition in 1957 to encourage and show appreciation for substantial contributions to what was then the Foundation’s only program, Rotary Foundation Fellowships for Advanced Study, the precursor to Ambassadorial Scholarships.

  Paul Harris Fellow medallion

This meeting will be all-virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here:

You can also call in to the meeting at (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 956 5085 7747.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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Rotary Lunch Speaker: Mike Krantz, Bend Chief of Police

On Tuesday, December 1, 2020, our lunch speaker will be Bend Chief of Police Mike Krantz.

Krantz started his service here in Bend on August 10, 2020. Krantz is a 27-year veteran of the Portland Police Bureau. He served as the bureau’s Assistant Chief of the Services Branch and was responsible for the business operations of the largest police department in the State of Oregon.


As a captain in Portland, he built the bureau’s Office of Community Engagement to support the development of ongoing relationships and trust with the greater Portland community. Krantz also managed the development and implementation of the bureau’s Racial Equity Plan, focused on addressing the root causes of inequities within the bureau and with community access to the bureau. Additionally, he has served in strategic services, criminal intelligence, rapid response and training capacities, exhibiting a well-rounded set of skills and experience.

Krantz holds a bachelor’s degree in public policy and administration from Western Oregon University, is a graduate from the Police Executive Research Forum Senior Management Institute for Police, and holds an executive certificate from the Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training.

This meeting will be all-virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here:

You can also call in to the meeting at (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 944 6074 6972.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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Rotary Lunch Speaker: Shannon Keith, Founder of Sudara

On Tuesday, November 17, 2020, our lunch speaker will be Shannon Keith, Founder of Sudara.

Shannon took a trip to India in 2005 that changed her life. After witnessing women being forced to sell their bodies in order to feed their families and hearing stories of sex trafficking, she was compelled to found an organization that would create a lasting impact for women and their families.


More than 15 years later, her company — Sudara — is a thriving certified B-Corp with a mission that is still rooted in job creation for women in India who are at the highest risk of or survivors of sex trafficking, while empowering them to create a lasting, generational impact for their families.

Purchases through Sudara support training and jobs for the women who make the products, and fund investments in a non-profit arm of Sudara that provides for those same women across their entire ecosystem and supports sustainable pathways to freedom.

Shannon has developed an organization that is creating systemic change, and can also be felt on a personal level. Each of the prints that Sudara sells is inspired by and named after a woman her organization has helped. Each woman has a unique story to tell through Shannon’s thoughtful, outcome-driven design and partnerships for Sudara.

Shannon is part of the BIPOC community and has built an equitable team in both Bend, OR and India that is committed to Sudara’s freedom-filled mission. At the core of her work is to create change that is deep and sustainable. More than a give-back model, her organization enables women to have choices for themselves and for their families. Shannon is breaking ground in this space by asking questions, pushing for answers, and sharing what she has learned. It is her belief that by helping other entrepreneurs and business leaders working for the same cause we can maximize the collective good.

Shannon believes in creating a sustainable business culture where women can thrive without sacrificing themselves and their families. She is a wife and a mother. She constantly works to integrate her roles as well as model her personal values for her team. it is her vision to keep growing an organization that enables her team to work smart, live in balance, and keep positive impact in the forefront.
Shannon was the 2017 Bend Chamber of Commerce’s Entrepreneur of the Year. She participates in many local, caused-based organizations like the Guardian Group. She also founded and is a key member of the nonprofit Sudara Freedom Fund. She has spoken at, and been an active member of, the Rotary Club, Deschutes County Library’s Author! Author!, and Soroptimist. She is a 2016 Bend Venture Conference (BVC) Social Impact Winner, Economic Development for Central Oregon (EDCO) and Bend Chamber, and member of Opportunity Knocks (OK), and TedX Bend Speaker. She works for gender equality rights both across the world and in her own community by spearheading women’s equality initiatives, working with MUSE, and consistently meeting with a local women’s CEO group. She has promoted and given time to The Kid’s Center and Living Option for Teens (LOFT).

Shannon cherishes and prioritizes time with her family. Her personal interests include snowboarding, mountain biking, hiking, camping, travel, enjoying great food and wine, and reading. Thinking about systemic issues, analyzing root causes, and considering how she can be a leader in the social innovation and racial justice space are some of her true passions.

This meeting will be all-virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here:

You can also call in to the meeting at (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 949 4778 2364.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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Rotary Lunch Speaker: Jason Magness, Bend Racing Team

On Tuesday, November 10, 2020, our lunch speaker will be Jason Magness, from Bend Racing Team.


As the primary navigator during races, Jason has a keen ability to remain calm and focused in the midst of race chaos. He is also the co-founder of Yogaslackers, an internationally renowned yoga instructor, AcroYoga teacher, environmentalist and former physicist. He has been featured by Yoga Journal, ESPN, MS-NBC, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Wend Magazine, Rock and Ice, The Bend Bulletin, Outside Magazine, and many more. When not racing through remote regions of the world, he enjoys training clients with Chelsey as part of J&C Training, hosting adventure races, and enjoying local craft brews.

Jason’s team competed in the World’s Toughest Race in Fiji, and was featured frequently in the TV series about that year’s race.

This meeting will be all-virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here:

You can also call in to the meeting at 1 669 900 9128 and enter meeting ID: 965 7811 0432.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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Rotary Lunch Program: Biography & Lessons Learned from a Startup

On Tuesday, November 3, 2020, Michael Cottam will talk about lessons learned from founding, building, and selling a startup company.

This will be one of our monthly “in-person” meetings at the Riverhouse Convention Center.


If you don’t wish to attend in person, you can join via Zoom here:

You can also call in to the meeting at 1 669 900 9128 and enter meeting ID: 957 1719 5582.

We will also record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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Rotary Lunch Program: District Governor Cindi O’Neil

On Tuesday, October 27, 2020, District Governor Cindi O’Neil will be our guest speaker.

Cindi and her husband Mike founded SolAire Homebuilders, a local, family owned custom home building business, well known for outstanding custom design and energy efficiency. SolAire has earned national, regional and local awards for their quality work related to both custom home building and green building.


This meeting will be all-virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here:

You can also call in to the meeting at 1 669 900 9128 and enter meeting ID: 975 3701 1753.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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