Rotary Lunch Program: Carolyn Eagan, Councilor Megan Perkins – City of Bend Homelessness

Carolyn Eagan   On Tuesday, October 12 2021, our lunch speakers will be Carolyn Eagan and Councilor Megan Perkins. They’ll be speaking on the topic of homelessness in Bend.

Click here to sign up for lunch.

Please note: to reduce the risk of spreading COVID to other club members and guests, we’re asking that only those who are vaccinated attend in person.

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  Megan Perkins

Carolyn Eagan has been working for the City of Bend for over 9 years. She was recently promoted to the newly-created executive position of Recovery Strategy & Impact Officer to oversee City’s economic recovery efforts, after developing a framework for and successfully leading City’s COVID-19 response. Carolyn is charged with developing effective coalitions between business and public health, while impactfully investing local, state & federal funds.

Megan Perkins became a Bend City Councilor in January 2021, and is a 5th generation Oregonian who moved to Bend in 2018 with her three children and husband. She wants to work on a safe, equitable and affordable city for all on Council. She’s co-founder and board president of Embrace Bend, and was Council Director for Girls on the Run Santa Fe. She has also held government positions in Wisconsin for the Office of the Governor and the State Treasurer as well as John Kerry’s Senate office in Washington DC.

This meeting will both in-person at the Riverhouse (Convention Center – Room Cascade AJ), and virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here: RCGB Zoom Link

You can also call in to the meeting at (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 692 491 9146. If you’re asked, the passcode is 5110.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

Rotary Lunch Program: Dr. Steven Cook, Bend/La Pine School District Superintendent

On Tuesday, October 5 2021, our lunch speaker will be Dr. Steven Cook, the new District Superintendent for Bend/La Pine School District.

Dr. Steven Cook is a Kansas native, making way to Bend-La Pine Schools via Coeur d’Alene Public Schools in Idaho, where he served as Superintendent. Prior to Idaho, he served as Deputy Superintendent in Douglas County, Colorado. He and his wife, Stephanie, have three grown children and a new rescue puppy.

Dr. Cook is passionate about public education, having spent his life dedicated to serving schools and students – 13 years as a teacher, 12 years as a building administrator, and now beginning his eighth year as a district leader.

Click here to sign up for lunch.

Please note: to reduce the risk of spreading COVID to other club members and guests, we’re asking that only those who are vaccinated attend in person.

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  Dr. Steven Cook

As a longtime educator, Dr. Cook believes strongly in trying to follow the Platinum Rule: treat others the way they want to be treated.

To him, this means creating an environment in which every student feels welcome, starting with small steps that can make a huge difference: Every student gets eye contact; and every student hears their name used positively – from our hallways and classrooms to buses and ballfields. He believes in holding students to high expectations where staff won’t accept anything less from them than their very best – when students have an anchor in great relationships, they can do great things.

Dr. Cook believes that strong relationships, built on collaboration, listening and trust, are at the foundation of any great school system… much like Rotary’s mottoes of Service Above Self and One Profits Most Who Serves Best.

This meeting will both in-person at the Riverhouse (Convention Center – Room Cascade AJ), and virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here: RCGB Zoom Link

You can also call in to the meeting at (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 692 491 9146. If you’re asked, the passcode is 5110.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

Rotary Lunch Program: Michael Cottam – Defending Your Business in the Online World

On Tuesday, September 212021, our lunch speaker will be Michael Cottam, who’s a search engine optimization (SEO) consultant.

Last Wednesday, on the District 5100 Awards Zoom call, with 80+ people in attendance, a hacker joined the meeting and started spewing all sorts of vulgar messages. It was disturbing and embarrassing, and it could happen in YOUR next Zoom call with your customers.

Michael will teach you how to:

  • Defend against this sort of Zoom attack and shut it down
  • Defend your brand and personal profile on Facebook and other social media channels
  • Guard your business’ website against hackers
  • Keep your email addresses off the spammers’ lists
  • Prevent shysters from sending emails that look like they come from your business

Click here to sign up for lunch.

Please note: to reduce the risk of spreading COVID to other club members and guests, we’re asking that only those who are vaccinated attend in person.

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Michael Cottam, SEO consultant

This meeting will both in-person at the Riverhouse (Deschutes South), and virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here: RCGB Zoom Link

You can also call in to the meeting at (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 692 491 9146. If you’re asked, the passcode is 5110.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

Rotary Lunch Program: Matt Ertle, Pridestaff – Central Oregon staffing trends

On Tuesday, September 14 2021, our lunch speaker will be Matt Ertle, owner of the Pridestaff Bend employment agency.

Matt will be giving a talk on staffing trends in Central Oregon.

Click here to sign up for lunch.

Please note: to reduce the risk of spreading COVID to other club members and guests, we’re asking that only those who are vaccinated attend in person.

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Matt Ertle

This meeting will both in-person at the Riverhouse (Deschutes South), and virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here: RCGB Zoom Link

You can also call in to the meeting at (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 692 491 9146. If you’re asked, the passcode is 5110.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

Rotary Lunch Program: Todd Dunkelberg, Director of the Deschutes Public Library

Todd Dunkelberg

  On Tuesday, September 7 2021, our lunch speaker will be Todd Dunkelberg, Director of the Deschutes Public Library.

Todd began his library career as a children’s librarian after graduating from the University of Texas library school. In 1999 he moved to Central Oregon to manage the Redmond Library. He was promoted to library director in 2009. Todd is also the president of the Mt. Bachelor Rotary Club.

Todd’s presentation will be on the future of libraries in Deschutes County.

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This meeting will both in-person at the Riverhouse (Deschutes South), and virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here: RCGB Zoom Link

You can also call in to the meeting at (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 692 491 9146. If you’re asked, the passcode is 5110.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

Rotary Lunch Program: Lisa Kyle, Regional Adviser, Oregon SBDC Network’s Capital Access Team

Lisa Kyle   On Tuesday, August 24 2021, our lunch speaker will be COCC’s Lisa Kyle, Regional Adviser with the Oregon SBDC Network’s Capital Access Team for Central Oregon.

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Lisa will be giving the club and update on the recently closed Small Business Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

Lisa specializes in helping small business owners access debt financing and assemble loan presentation packages. Lisa spent more than 30 years as a small business lender working for several different financial institutions. Her experience as a loan underwriter and commercial lender make her well qualified to assist businesses in locating and working with the best lending partner to suit their needs.

Also at this meeting:

  • Polly Cohen will be receiving her Blue Badge!
  • 2 new club members will be announced!
  • Sergeant-at-Arms fines: please bring cash or a check; we’ll also have the option to pay online with your smartphone–look for the QR code on your table.

This meeting will both in-person at the Riverhouse (Deschutes South), and virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here: RCGB Zoom Link

You can also call in to the meeting at (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 692 491 9146. If you’re asked, the passcode is 5110.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

Rotary Lunch Program: Sen. Tim Knopp/Rep. Jack Zika

Senator Tim Knopp On Tuesday, August 17 2021, our lunch program will be a legislative update and recap of session from Senator Tim Knopp and Representative Jack Zika. Rep Jack Zika

About Senator Knopp:

His background includes nearly 20 years as a small business owner and community service as a former little league coach and board member of the Bend Chamber of Commerce as well as serving as a current board member of affordable housing non-profit, First Story. Tim is the Executive Vice President of the Central Oregon Builders Association and the Executive Director of Building Partners for Affordable Housing.

Tim previously served in the Legislature from 1999 to 2005 for three terms, including one as Oregon House Majority Leader. He led the PERS Reforms of 2003 that saved taxpayers billions. Moreover, Tim helped pass legislation protecting the kicker by putting it in the Constitution, where in 2007 it ultimately returned over a billion dollars belonging to the taxpayers. He’s been a champion for small business and job creation. Senator Knopp was appointed Vice-Chair of the Senate Workforce Committee and serves as a member of the Health Care & Human Services committees during the 2017 Legislative Session. Tim was elected to his first term in the Oregon State Senate in November 2012 and elected Deputy Republican Leader in 2014. Senate District 27 encompasses the Central Oregon communities of Bend, Redmond, Sunriver, and Tumalo.​​

About Representative Zika:

Jack is a Realtor, loves to volunteer in his community and is connected with numerous organizations, such as Boy and Girls Club, Red Cross, and Habitat for Humanity.

His public service record includes: Redmond Planning Commissioner; Redmond Neighborhood Revitalization Committee; US 97 South Redmond Corridor Advisory Committee; Vice President of Central Oregon Association of REALTORS; State Director, Government Affairs Key Committee, and Strategic Planning Committee for the Oregon Association of REALTORS.

This meeting will both in-person at the Riverhouse (restaurant side, Deschutes South), and virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here: RCGB Zoom Link

You can also call in to the meeting at (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 692 491 9146. If you’re asked, the passcode is 5110.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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Rotary Lunch Program: Rebecca Mehra – Women’s 800/1500 Racer

Rebecca Mehra   On Tuesday, August 10 2021, our lunch speaker will be professional track athlete, Rebecca Mehra. Rebecca will come give our club an idea of what it’s like to train for the Olympics during a pandemic.

Originally from Palos Verdes Estates, California, Mehra was one of the few athletes in state history to compete in eight state meets — four in track and four in cross country. Mehra helped lead Palos Verdes to the Division III State Cross Country title in 2011, a second place finish in 2010 and a third place finish in 2009. Individually, Mehra was the State Division III Champion in Cross Country and set seven school records during her high school career.

During her collegiate career at Stanford University, Mehra ran both indoor and outdoor track, as well as cross country. As a three time All-American, she served as an anchor for the Cardinal team. Some of Mehra’s accolades include 3rd place NCAA Indoor DMR (2016), 6th place NCAA Outdoor 1500M (2017), USATF Championships Finalist 800M (2019), and 3rd place 5th Ave. Mile (2019). Currently, Mehra is a professional track athlete for Oiselle, who lives and trains in Bend, Oregon.

This meeting will both in-person at the Riverhouse (Convention Center side, Cascade G), and virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here: RCGB Zoom Link

You can also call in to the meeting at (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 692 491 9146. If you’re asked, the passcode is 5110.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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Rotary Lunch Program: Adam Krynicki – Executive Director, OSU Innovation Co-Lab

Adam Krynicki

  On Tuesday, August 3 2021, our lunch speaker will be Adam Krynicki – Executive Director, Oregon State University Cascades – Innovation Co-Lab.

The Co-Lab works with community-based inventors, entrepreneurs, and nonprofit founders, and helps them turn their idea into a reality. While in his role at OSU-Cascades, he has created an incubator space for the community and coached over 40 founders/year. His work has led to early-stage companies raising over $7.5M.

Prior to coming to Bend, Adam developed a research foundation and managed the intellectual property office for the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and ran a statewide energy technology initiative by the Alaska SBDC. Additionally, he co-founded the startup accelerator Launch Alaska and earned his law degree from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh (pronounced (“Dew-Cane”).

This meeting will both in-person at the Riverhouse (Convention Center side, Cascade AJ), and virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here: RCGB Zoom Link

You can also call in to the meeting at (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 692 491 9146. If you’re asked, the passcode is 5110.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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Rotary Lunch Program – Update From Committee Chairs

Greater Bend Rotary club committees

  On Tuesday, July 20 2021, our lunch program will consist of brief updates from each of our committee chairs. They’ll be talking about what their committee has planned for the coming year, and any needs they have for additional members for their committees.

For relatively new members, this is a great way to learn about all the things our club does, and what events or projects you might like to get involved with.

This meeting will both in-person at the Riverhouse (Convention Center side), and virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here: RCGB Zoom Link

You can also call in to the meeting at (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 692 491 9146. If you’re asked, the passcode is 5110.

We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.

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