Photos from Recent Events

Charter Night

Sleep in Heavenly Peace Bed Build Day

$2500 to the Bend High Speech and Debate Club

Our club donated $2500 in September to the Bend High Speech and Debate Club, to continue their awesome track record in speech and debate contests throughout the United States where they have done so well.

Childcare for 60 kiddos – Our signature project

We are excited to get our 2024-25 Signature Project underway. Our crew painted 5 classrooms. Our current project at the Rotary Club of Greater Bend (RCGB) is a $100,000 grant to ReVillage Childcare Center, aimed at addressing the fundamental challenges faced by children and their families in our community. This funding will enable ReVillage to open a new site at Grace First Lutheran Church, adding 60 new spots for high-quality, affordable childcare for infants through five-year-olds.

Invention Convention for Miller Middle School – A yearly fun event

Charter Night & Wine Raffle

International Skiing Fund-Raising Dinners with club members

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?

Guess Who?


Deschutes River Cleanup Crew

Once again the Trash Masters gathered up noxious weeds along the Deschutes River Trail. These hardly souls know no bounds to amount of weeds they can gather!

Highway Cleanup Crew

Painting Doors for the new Healing Reins Arena

The annual holiday party

Tree of Joy Salvation Army & Rotary Clubs of Bend


The Giving Plate – Food for families in need

Building Bunkbeds for Kids with Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Pouring Beer for Ronald McDonald House
at Sisters Fresh Hops Event

Desert Sky Montessori – Garden Project

Deschutes River Cleanup Day

Our Environmental Committee’s First Project

Veterans Village Project & Open House

Highway Cleanup Volunteer Work

Giving Plate Food Drive

Serving Dinner at Ronald McDonald House

Bend-Belluno Sister City & Youth Exchange

Our Summit High School Interact Club Ten Friends 5K Color Run