On Tuesday, May 7, 2024, our lunch speaker will be Brenda Comini, Director of the Early Learning Hub of Central Oregon at High Desert Education Service District (HDESD). She will be speaking about early learning and childcare in Central Oregon. Topics will include:
- Oregon’s Early Childhood System, led by the Department of Early Learning and Care and implemented by Early Learning Hubs, including Central Oregon
- Raise Up Oregon: Statewide Early Childhood System Plan, guiding strategic action
- Key demographics and data points guiding our work
- Effective strategies and partnerships: Early Literacy, Child Care, Home Visiting and early childhood workforce
- Impact examples
- How you can support Early Care and Learning
Brenda was named the first Director for the Early Learning Hub of Central Oregon (Crook, Deschutes, Jefferson Counties and the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs) in April 2016.
In that capacity she works with cross-sector stakeholders to improve systems to ensure early health and developmental supports for all children, increase access to quality childcare and preschool and an educated, adequately funded early care and education workforce with emphasis on parent/caregiver voice and service to traditionally underserved communities.
Brenda attended Linfield College and the University of Oregon. She currently serves on the UpStream Prevention Workgroup of the Central Oregon Health Council, as a board member for the Central Oregon Chapter of the Oregon Association for the Education of Young Children (COCOrAEYC), and as Treasurer for the Oregon Early Learning Hub Association. State appointments include Joint Legislative Task Force on Access to Quality Affordable Care (2019-21), State Healthy Start Advisory Board (2018–present), and Oregon Early Learning Council Home Visiting System Committee (2021–present).
In addition to a passion for social change, she enjoys exploring Oregon and travel beyond with family and friends.
We’ll be in our usual room at the Riverhouse – Deschutes South.
Signup for lunch here.
This meeting will both in-person and virtual. We will record the presentation for others who aren’t able to attend at noon.
Join the Zoom Meeting here: RCGB Zoom Link
You can also call in to the meeting at (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 692 491 9146. If you’re asked, the passcode is 5110.