Joey Drucker – City Club of Central Oregon Update

  On Tuesday, May 29th 2018, Joey Drucker, Executive Director of City Club, will join us for lunch. She plans to share updates about City Club and insights into its mission.
Join us from noon till 1:15 at the Riverhouse (the restaurant side, NOT the Convention Center), 3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703.
Add to Calendar:
5/29/2018 12:00 PM
5/29/2018 1:15 PM
Rotary Club of Greater Bend Lunch
On Tuesday, May 29nd 2018, Joey Drucker, Executive Director of City Club, will join us for lunch. She plans to share updates about City Club and insights into its mission.
3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703
Rotary Club of Greater Bend