The Greater Bend Rotary Club Foundation “Bill Berg”

In addition to the Rotary International Foundation, which supports global and district grants and projects, we have our own club Foundation. The “Bill Berg” Foundation supports scholarships, the Gift of Literacy program, youth activities, our club’s world community service committee, the Bend/Belluno Exchange Program, and Signature Projects.

In 2011, the Foundation partnered with OCF (Oregon Community Foundation) and put its endowment ($263,331 at the time) into their Donor Advised Fund where it is professionally managed.The endowment with initial funding has since grown to its current level of over $767, 419.

Distribution for 2025 is $29,407 and last year was $27,000. Annual Scholarships are divided between:

  • Central Oregon Community College 3 @ $12,000
  • Oregon State University Cascades 3 @ $5,000
  • Perseverance (Pine LaPine School District 2 @ 4,000

Additionally, each year the foundation matches the club with $3000 for the Gift of Literacy program that provides books for elementary students in all of Deschutes county in partnership with all of the Rotary Clubs serving Central Oregon.

The Rotary Club of Greater Bend Foundation is seeking to grow our Legacy Fund to produce an annual cash stream by focusing on annual pledges and contributions to the endowment. Each member who contributes $1000 will be recognized as a “Bill Berg Fellow”. We also seek and accept larger gifts/matching and support tax/estate planning. Donations are tax-deductible.

Please make your pledge to help with scholarships for local students and programs. You may pay online here, or you can print this form and send it to Kyle, either by email at or fax to (541) 389-0103 or by USPS mail to PO Box 6661, Bend, OR 97708.

If you’re donating online here, and you’d like to tag your donation to one of the following, please contact Kyle to let him know:

  • Bill Berg Legacy Fund @ OCF (by default)
  • Dave Dewey Signature Project Fund
  • World Community Service Fund
  • Bend/Belluno – Funds for joint future projects with Belluno, Italy Rotary club – contact Kit Carmeincke

Donate to the Bill Berg Foundation:
